Mangalik Dosh |
The dosh of mangal has many names in hindu astrology like kuj dosh, mangalik dosh or mangal dosh. It is one of the major factor, that effects the marital life of any couple.
It is very easy to see the mangalik dosh in one's horoscope OR kundali. If mangal is placed in 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 or 12th house from Ascendant (Lagna) then it is considered as mangalik dosh (or langa mangalik) as shown in the image. Also from chandra (Moon) kundali (Chart), if Mangal (Mars) is placed in 1, 2, 4, 7, 8 or 12th house from Chandra (Moon), then it is Chandra mangalik.
Sometimes there can be mangalik dosha from both and give difficulties in marital life.
Mangalik dosh give difficulties in marriage causing quarrels and tension in between couples, health or finance related problems and sometimes death. The 1, 8 and 12th house mangalik is considered to be more dangerous than others. Even 8th house mangalik is considered to give widowhood according to ancient astrological studies.
It has been seen if two mangalik get married to each other, than the effect of mangalik dosh nullifies (cancel each other). Also in some region, it is consider that if the person with mangalik dosh get marriage to pipal or banana tree before actaul marriage than effect of manglik dosh are resolved. There is also a belief that marriage with lord vishnu Idol made of silver OR gold also diminish the mangalik dosh effect.
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